b'KAYAK FISHINGBlair will target kingfish over summer using the new sounder which has more features and advantages over his older Dragon Fly pictured.SUMMER TIPS Test your new sounder to ensure Late spring has brought hot weather tothe transducer and power the east coast, the water temperaturesis working correctly before have finally kicked up after quite a coldpaddling offshore. October. The temperature jumped from 14.5 to 17 degrees in less than 3 weeks. When this happens, Im confident the kingfish will arrive in good numbers once the windy weather settles down. Early in the season when they havent seen too many hooks, kings tend to bite well on jigs as they school up around marker buoys, floating debris, and pinnacles in the wider parts of the bay. A pink and lumo slim jig has always been the choice for me, something about the colour gets the kings fired up. There is nothing better than watching the jig sink down into a wall of red archs andAs spawning finishes the serious fishingsnapper or kingfish, it has been on the dull watching the screen as the fish rise tobegins as the majority of the snapperdays with limited sunlight. The fish just like hammer the jig after I begin my retrieve.over 4kg move right into the beachesto feed harder in lower light. Plan a few I have had kingfish jump right out of theand my kayak is often perfectly placedtrips on rainy days, you will be impressed water at my rod tip and I remember oneto intercept them on the return journey.at how worth it the fishing can be. fish snapped it right up mid-air beforeGrunters are much more variable in theirFor tip three, replace your terminal crashing back down into the water! movements with many adults sticking outtackle every time it has been used. We Summer encourages a notable change inin the shallower depths. I tend to find theall remember a big fish lost from a poor behaviour to my bottom fish targets. Nofat adult gurnard out deeper over Januaryknot or the trace breaking. My rigs get more lazy sulking fish in chilly water, theyand February.hammered by fish teeth and sometimes are now actively preparing for spawningMy biggest tip for fishing summer is beeven just the fishes tail bumping it as I and are feeding confidently. Snapper andprepared for every eventuation, I dontpull them up. I always completely retie gurnard are in top condition leading upknow how many times I have broughtevery time I go out. If in any doubt retie! to spawning and the large, adult snappertwo little rods only to have a monsterA couple minutes is better than a monster start by feeding close to the coast inking trying to eat kahawai off them, withkingfish breaking the line next to the yak.October before steadily making their wayno live-bait rod to pitch it back to theI look forward to boosting my sea out to 40m over the next three months.fish. Dont go in under gunned if there isfloor knowledge with the Raymarine The odd large fish is left in close for me toa chance of a fish of a lifetime swimmingElement 7 HV aboard my kayak. The target but most of the snapper tend to bepast. Tip two would be pay attention tonext few months over summer are pannies around 3540cm.the cloud cover. Every time I catch a biggoing to be a blast.FIGZ58FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2022'