b"THE FAR NORTH Evana scores awere also caught in pretty much the trevally on a lure,exact same spot, drifting the reef line top sashimi. in 18m of water and at the same time of year (July school holidays).Both fish were taken on light gear and provided a fun, but hard 20-30minute fight.To say I am fond of this fishing destination is a small understatement!Being that our usual fishing haunt is the inner Hauraki Gulf of Auckland where we pull in pan sized snapper, kahawai, small kingies and the occasional gurnard or John dory (albeit, not complaining!).Fishing in Doubtless Bay is always a bit more exciting, as much more plentiful and you never quite know what you're going to get. Expectations are always high.TOKERAU BEACH LAUNCHINGThe first time we fished there, it was very much trial and error as we were new to fishing the area but now with many trips under our belts, we know the reef to drift along and a couple of other spots in the Bay which we have marked on the sounder.However, generally if you spend time drifting the bay and using Fishing Location lures such as softbaits or sliders, you can pick up good fish.Justin with a nice dory for the family dinner taken off Tokerau Beach.DOUBTLESS BAYA fter 4 years of fishing solely in Aucklands Hauraki Gulf, I have been fortunate enough to drop lines in the Far North of Godzone on numerous occasions.It's never a dull day out on the water when we head out in Doubtless Bay, launching from Tokerau Beach, where we frequent when visiting our family holiday home on Karikari Peninsula.Regular readers of Fishing in Godzone may recall that my two personal best catches, an estimated 19lb snapper and 25kg kingfish, were both caught softbaiting in Doubtless Bay. Both fish 22FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2022"