b'the bright sunnyBrian Snooks upgraded to the Tica Kazumi which has proved conditions can puta quality surfcaster.fish off so hitting the beach early with a rising sun will give you increased chances of catching fish.Coincide this with a change of tide and your chances will improve.BIG MOON Over the years my best days when surfcasting have coincided with the biggest moon phases and a few days leading into a full moon or new moon phase obviously creates the biggest tides.This exposes the sand banks at low tide which I crave for to reach and cast from to get a bait out into deeper water.The fish are also in tune to these large tide changes and move in closer off beaches to search for food like, shellfish, crabs, and small bait fish.Snapper in particular hunt out sand dollars (sea biscuits), tuatua, baby flounder and paddle crabs.I have found all in their stomachs after gutting and cleaning when surfcasting.During a big tide, the water pushes everything about and predators are on the move hunting.INVEST IN A QUALITY ROD I have covered the topic of gear for surfcasting in previous issues, but I cant reinforce enough that if you want to cast further and catch more fish, then invest in a quality surfcaster.The rod is the Three baby flounder foundsingle biggest factor in achieving longer in a 55cm snappers stomachcasts and not all rod blanks are equal.after surfcasting. Those cheaper $100 budget 3-piece, 15ft plus rods you see in tackle shops might do the job casting 60-70m but getting your bait way out around or past 100m requires a decent rod blank. I would consider the following rod options for all aspiring surfcasters to consider; Kilwell, Tica, Okuma, and Balzer.These are both locally designed and international manufactured rods proven for surfcasting and achieving greater distances.I fish today predominately with Kilwell Powerplay and Tica Kazumi rods but have also tested many models of the rods mentioned above and I have found them to all be quality surfcasters that suit our Kiwi conditions. /FISHINGINGODZONE49'