b"THE FAR NORTH Trophy fish like Evanas 25kg kingfish are why anglers head up to the Far North.The snapper fishing is outstandingDIFFERENT SPECIESin the Far North. I love the variety of species we encounter when fishing up in the Far North.We've caught everything from big snapper to kingfish, gurnard, John dory, kahawai, trevally, porae, blue cod, leather jacket and pigfish. And there is always plenty of bird life and the occasional dolphins for the family to see. I think the biggest draw card apart from the size and variety of fish is that unlike the Hauraki Gulf where you have to often travel a greater distance to catch the bigger fish, in the Doubtless Bay you literally launch your boat, jet ski or kayak off Tokerau Beach or a neighboring beach, park your trailer up on the grass, push yourself out and within 5 minutes you're far enough out to be catching the We launch off the beach at TokerauYou can't just order up what you want!big boys. Saving time, gas, and sea legs!Beach, which is easy on the hard sand,Just watch me, I say.Doubtless BayThere are some good spots for fishing best with a 4x4 vehicle and use a ropehas not yet failed to produce for me andoff the rocks in neighboring bays and on the trailer when retrieving if you dontthats not to say that there arent quieterwe have seen successful kontiki catches want the vehicle in the salt water.days, sometimes only a few pannies areand surfcasting, especially when fish Hubby Justin always gives me griefbrought onboard but more often thanare chasing bait around in the shallows.because when we head up to the bach, Inot, a couple of trips out on the waterKeep your attention out for the masses always tell him Today I'm going to catchover a few days will see us catch a chillyof gulls following them from one side my PB, whatever it is that I feel like atbin full of eating fish for the family andof the bay to the other, its quite a the time and he laughs at me and repliesme to fulfill my particular catch to order.remarkable sight.24FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2022"