b'20LB SNAPPER At this point, it sounds like I am ranting Select the combos and tackle(I might be). As someone new to fishing, with which you are mostI never really understood the chase for a familiar and confident. 20-pound snapper. I mean, people catch all the other big fish that are more than 20 pounds, like the very good fighting kingfish, or a hapuku, or bluenose, and no one seems to make a t-shirt or a whole length article just solely on it? I also never understood how anglers make this the ultimate fishing goal. It is a beautiful, big old fish that is hard to catch but so is catching a marlin or a swordfish, but that is a whole other topic. The big 7 Z-Man softbaits catch big snapper.20LB Snapper TipsNow here are the tips! At first, I was debating if I should put the tips on surviving the few days after someone catches a 20-pounder and wont stop talking about it. Some of us out there cant be so lucky and need to learn some tricks on how to exit from these conversations as to not be rude EXPERIENCE COUNTS my partner has managed to land a few ofbut then, I realized I am writing for a My partner loves fishing twice as I dothem (bless his soul and his fishing ego,fishing magazine, so I guess I have to and hes also twice as good, maybe more.and I say that with much love for fishingget the tips from my partner who has As he would say, you have to spend theand my partner). I wouldnt even daremanaged to land them.time, you must learn the tricks, you havecompete with him on that one, simply to choose the right braid, the right lures,because I know Ill lose. He talks about it01 THE FORECAST the right rods, the right reel for the typeso passionately that for a month, it wasDays before or even weeks, he of fishing youre doing - all that jazz.all that came out of his mouth. He getswould always look at the weather Then, he saw me catch a decent-sizedinto the specifics of it, down to what theforecast in the areas he wanted to snapper whilst sitting down, one rod inday was like, the fishing conditions, timego to, he would stick to it and check one hand, a sandwich in the other. Itof tide, how many boats in the marinabefore he sleeps and then on the mustve killed him, took him by surpriseeven.I mean every single thing! I lovevery morning when he gets up. He though hell never admit it. That was onelistening to these stories once, twice,always told me that fishing is not day I out fished him, and I wasnt eventhree times maybe. But on the 10th timejust about waking up and getting the trying so hard (cue all the hate). youve heard the story, its like you wereboat out, you must undertake some Those twenty-pound fish so elusive,there catching that massive fish yourself! serious planning.32FISHING IN GODZONE JAN/FEB 2022'