b'HUNTINGYou are permitted to shoot pheasants or quail using lead, but for the sake of the environment non-toxic shot and bio wads should be considered by Kiwi hunters.BIO WADS The innovation from cartridgeGamebores Black Gold - Dark Storm, Decades ago, paper wads and even themanufacturers with bio wads havewhich is a steel cartridge and has a paper/cardboard shotgun shells wereseen better products, with some100% eco-friendly and non-toxic bio common for game bird hunting. Butthat have developed wads fromwad.I havent noticed a difference in as plastics took over manufacturingvegetable bases and when introducedperformance of these shells when duck across most industries, they became theto water, can degrade with 24-48shooting using my SX4 Winchester and standard for both cartridges (which arehours dependant on the temperature. although I try and recover spent shells often lost when ejected in the field) andSuch bio wads when tested onand wads after my shooting is finished the wads.As wads are almost impossibletheir shooting performance haveto take home, I now have further piece to find once fired from a shotgun, theshown they hold up to their plasticof mind if I cant locate all the wads.move to bio wads is an important factorpredecessors, so conservation mindedFor further details on the regulations in the push for better sustainabilitygame bird hunters should look toregarding non-toxic shot, carefully read and accountability for hunters when inadopt them in the field. this seasons Gamebird Hunting Guide the field. This year we have been shooting withfor your area.FIGZ94FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2023'