b'RANGIPUTAThe trevally in the Rangaunu Harbour grow large with this fish almost 60cm which was released.We headed out together towards theincreased wind from about 10am so wemore shelter from the wind direction.harbour entrance to cast softbaits asmade the call to head further out to aIt was now around midday and slack the rising sun lightened the sky.Scottreefy area where Craig has done welltide when the fishing died off, we had a was super keen to get his stick bait backbefore.I switched to jigs as we werequiet period as we drifted parallel to the out after seeing the kingfish action thefishing 18-20m and only managed a solidbeach in about 10m of water and tried day before, while I was happy to flicktrev and Scott a pannie snapper beforeall assorted colours of softbaits and sizes softbaits on the new Tica Kazumi andthe wind picked up to about 12-15 knotsto no avail.We went back to the trusty was hit on almost every cast. and the sea got choppy. Zman Atomic Sunrise orange and the Scott soon joined in softbaiting, andWe pulled alongside Craig and Michellefishing switched on, with more current we scored nice snapper from 40-60cmwho had also managed a couple of betteras the tide changed, Scott and I picked and a welcomed John dory for dinner,fish to 60cm, and we agreed to bothup several nice snapper and a beaut the fishing had started off well and thehead over to Easts Beach to fish in close60cm trevally which was released over wind kept down.The forecast was forin calmer water, with the land offeringthe sand.The orange Zmans were flavour of the day accounting for many species including this dory.22FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2023'