b'LAND-BASED from practical experience). Then when youre ready, throw them the anchor rope and get them to pull enough rope out to secure the rope on the rocks.Back the boat off the rocks and secure the shock cord to a grapnel anchor (and a small length of chain). This is the tricky part - you need to judge the distance correctly between the back anchor position and the rocks. The anchor needs to be far enough away to pull the boat away from the rocks but close enough so that the cord will stretch and allow you to be able to reach the rocks and disembark. It will take a few goes so be patient and A Far North rock stackget it right. Once you have the anchor in accessed by boat withthe right place, tie the shock cord to the an abundance of fish liferear of the boat (not the side) and then tie in attendance. the anchor rope to the bow. Tell your mate Hooked up on a Hauraki Gulf Island - weve encountered good fish off this ledge over the years including a school of 10-15kg kingfish.A birds eye view of a prime Coromandel island, note the deep water close by and fishy deep drop-offs.LANDING PROCEDURE "Tie the rope to the rocks Pick a spot that is calm and has a drop-offwith some slack, a rising tide adjacent to it. Drop your mate off first and then back off to a safe distance. Arrangenecessitates some extra rope. your gear so its in a position on the bowIf you are fishing on rocks where it can be easily grabbed by your mate. If it\'s safer, you can also throwwhere you cant see the boat, lighter items to them instead of gettinggo back, and check every close to the rocks.Time your approach with a lull in thefew hours to make sure the swell and as I said before, head straight inanchor hasnt pulled, or the (at a 90-degree angle to the rocks). Time it so as the bow is in reach, throw therope has come undone.engine in reverse so youre backing off as soon as the gear has been retrieved. It willThe crew may get a bit wet keeping the take a few seconds for the boat to startboat safe so make sure youre both on moving back so learn the timing of whenthe same page with the priorities - wet to throw it in reverse. Your mate shouldfeet or damaged hull. When the gear has also be at the ready to push the boat offbeen unloaded, make sure it has been should it start to get dicey e.g., the hullplaced high enough up the rocks to not starts to get exposed to rocks. get swept into the ocean (a lesson learnt 32FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2023'