b'as you will lose way more moochers than you land.Another point to remember is have your reels drag set high, as big snapper hit and power off for the nearest bit of cover.I even use a hand gently on the spool when fighting a bigger fish in the early stages of battle, they always surprise me how determined they are at reaching cover and you need to keep their heads up and away from the bottom.The fights in the shallows are always epic, some of the best fishing in my experience and it is really satisfying landing a solid fish from such places and even better when you release them and watch them swim off.For the fish that you do keep to take home and enjoy, I would say winter snapper are hands down the best pan-fried fish over the warmer months.This makes sense as they put on condition after spawning and using a lot of energy, wintertime means they slow down in colder water, and you will see the fat slick on your knife or in the bucket on the surface of the water as you clean yourSolid trevs often turn up in winter knife and hands.The taste difference iswhen softbaiting and a net is very noticeable to me and my family, socrucial, as their soft mouths can winter has its pluses when fishing.FIGZ tear or the softbaits fall out.Use heavier 25-30lb leader for those big snapper teeth and to aid when extracting fish from rough terrain. /FISHINGINGODZONE47'