b'The combined weight of the pellets isSteel shot is the most common the load, and the two most common loadalternative to lead, but there are many weights are 1 oz (32 gram) and 1 ozother types such as plated shot and (36gram) loads.Cartridges come in twohaving been used over many seasons common lengths: 2inch (70mm) andnow, many Kiwi hunters now prefer 3inch (76mm). It should be noted thatthe advantages provided by steel and some older shotguns are only chamberedespecially with its higher velocity.for 2inch shells and using 3-inch shellsAs mentioned above with many older in these guns should never be attempted.shotguns still being used by hunters, Both shell lengths can be used safely inmany are however not steel proof and guns chambered for 3inch shells. the use of steel shot in these guns is very Traditionally, all pellets were made fromdangerous. While some guns are choke lead which has been shown to have toxiclimited for steel, where the use of steel effects on waterfowl where the spentshot and tighter chokes will cause damage shot is consumed by dabbling species.to the gun.There are however new Today, non-toxic shot is now mandatoryloads that are quite revolutionary in their for all Kiwi hunters hunting waterfowlproduction such as Gamebores Bismuth within 200m of a water body. However,shot that has a unique process which lead may be used for upland game in anyresults in a uniform, malleable shot that situation, and for waterfowl if youre moreperforms a lot like lead.Bismuth is the than 200m away from a water body, e.g.,closest material in terms of density and when shooting on a maize paddock andsoftness to lead, so has no restrictions on more than 200m from water such as achoke and can be used on older shotguns pond or river more than 3m wide. that cant use steel shot.Such bio wads when tested on their shooting performance have shown they hold up to their plastic predecessors, so Gamebores Black GoldDark Storm, conservation minded game bird hunters should look to is a steel cartridge with 100%eco-friendly and non-toxic bio wad. adopt them in the field.If you are shooting ducks over pasture and more than 200m away from water, as example over a maize paddock, then lead is permitted but we would still recommend using non-toxic shot with bio wads. /FISHINGINGODZONE93'