b"Evana scored a nice pan-sized snapper on a softbait.Filleting fresh fish after challenging fishing conditionsA couple of snapper for dinner will is a welcome task. surprise how far they will go, fish tacos or burgers are a good option.to some dry clothes and hot showers.The day drawing to an end, we enjoyed some fresh pan-fried snapper and an adult beverage in front of the fireplace. Hard to beat and very satisfying having fished in such elements.Conclusions from the trip were: always dress for the conditions and pack extra clothing just in case. Being out on the water when you're cold and wet, will ruin your entire experience, so don't be a stubborn egg.Persistence pays off in most cases, if no luck in one spot, move on and try and try again. If the fish aren't biting what you're throwing out (if using fishing lures), try swapping colours and sizes. And if all else fails, as it may very well do, remember it's the adventure that's part of the fun. Enjoy it.FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE39"