b"HUNTING Brian Snooks headed out west on a successful bow hunting trip, scoring fallow deer and Overlooking the valley with nice bushA fter a very wet wild sheep in Whanganui.summer and early autumn, it was time for the annual Snooks bow hunting trip down to Whanganui.Each year I make plans with my brother Gary Snooks and take along my son Kalani for the trip.It's a long drive down to and grass pockets for fallow hunting. the hunting spot from my hometown in Northland, so we stayed the night at the Raetihi Holiday Park on the way through which has good facilities, and we could then get to the hunting block early the next morning and go for an afternoon hunt on the Monday.DAY 1 Leaving Monday morning from the holiday park after a good nights rest, we had a smooth drive along the long and often dodgy road to Wairangi Station. Arriving at the station and after a quick unpack with some lunch, we got out the hunting gear straight away and Gary headed away on his own to assess the area.Gary was using a traditional Savannah 50lb long bow, while Kalani and I use Bear Arena compound bows.Kalani and I went off in a different direction to Gary for a long walk up to the top of the property to get our bearings.Hunting LocationWHANGANUIKalani glassing for deer on the clearings, good camo is vital for helping stalk in close.80FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2023"