b'BAR CROSSINGA huge volume of water such as this must get out somehow, so there will always be a deeper O bviously the firstis always the deeper water. The hugechannel somewhere for a safer passage.Bars seldom remain the same either, step before evenvolume of water that flows over a barfrom one storm to another. There are putting the boathas to get out or in somehow, so thereliterally hundreds of thousands of tonnes in the water is towill always be a channel somewhere. of swirling sand within these ferocious make 100% certainIf you must cross a bar to get to yourbars, especially out on the Tasman west you have all thefavourite fishing spot, your trip shouldcoast which is moved around by the tides necessary safety gearalways start at homelong before youand storms. It is reasonable to assume such as lifejacketsleave. Acquire as much local knowledgethen that it will not dump in the same (which should alwaysas you can, check the weather, windplace each time.be worn by everyone when crossing astrength and surf height, have localSitting and facing the forming waves bar), flares, tow rope, PLB or EPIRB etc. charts, and establish beforehand where(never sit with your back to it in case you Launching your boat is invariablythe channels are. have to run to the shoulder of the crest), done in calm water and its not untilOnce armed with all the rightpick a wave that looks like it has potential. you cruise out of the harbour or estuaryinformation, the trip is always a lot safer,A bit like a surfer, then accelerate and turn that you see what awaits you. My firstand easier. If however it is your firstaggressively so you traverse the top of the glimpse of the bar was what appearedtime over a particular bar, then wait forwave and cling to the backsimple!to be a wall of white water, right acrossa so-called calmer day, and do some the entrance. practice. Another helpful hint is to justThe first thing you do is stand wait at the bar and observe where other LOCATE DEEPER CHANNEL boats are goinga pattern will emergeoff the bar a little, and identify Here we learned valuable lesson numberwith those who do know the right waythe calmer water, which is one. For as impenetrable as it appeared,to gothen you can go and try it for there is always a way through. The firstyourself. You will be amazed at the easealways the deeper water.thing you do is stand off the bar a little,with which you can get through, just by and identify the calmer water, whichknowing where the flatter spots are.58FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2023'