b"HUNTINGBrian shot his ewe from 70 yards using the OZCUT broadhead which then rolled down the hill 40 yards before stopping.DAY 3 Gary went out early whilesight.At 30 yards he could still see oneas we both fancied some tasty wild chops. we still slept in again.Thisso took the shot with his bow and wasAfter finding a small mob, I snuck in close time he had success taking a nice spikerhappy it looked good.After a tricky bloodbut got busted by keen eyes before I with his long bow, Gary was happy,trail track through the thick wet bush, wecould get a shot off. They ran uphill and and our tally was now sitting at threefound it.A small yearling doe shot withthen suddenly stopped, I ranged one of fallow with one each. Kalani and I wentthe lethal OZCUT broadhead which hadthe ewes at 70 yards. I pulled back on out for a late afternoon-evening huntdone the job. the Arena compound bow and executed down a tight track beside the river witha great shot! It bolted up the hill with the lots of sharp bends which is great forLAST DAY BUCK other sheep for 20m or so, then soon stalking along. Kalani wanted to go it alone and go aftercame tumbling back down about 40m. Not long into our quiet walk and Kalania buck that he knew just had his name onIt was a sight to see.Gary was yelling spotted three animals off in the distance,it.Gary and I went to an area that holdsout that he couldn't believe the result in we crept in using the cover to stay out ofsome wild sheep for a different challengeamazement too.84FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2023"