b'BAR CROSSINGDont ever follow or sit alongsidetrimmed down), then simply flop over another boat through a bar, either whenthe other side. Quickly get up to speed going in or out. There is potential dangeragain though, for you might have a way in two boats heading for the same pieceto go before you find the next shoulder of water at the same time. Stagger yourto cry on. Then do it all again, and again, position, maybe one or two waves apart,and againpractice makes perfect, to diminish the potential for collision.they say!And of course, never ever lose your nerveWhen a wave is unbroken, approaching and try and turn round in the face of anthe wave at about a 15-degree angle will oncoming wave. Once you are committedtake some of the power out of the wave, to the wave, there is no turning backallowing you to drop harmlessly over theperiod! back of it virtually without any pounding By veering over the ocean, sometimeswhatsoever. The trick of it though is to aggressively, sometimes with all the timeget to the wave, on the shoulder of it and in the world, you can pick and choosenot in the middle before it breaks. If you your path so all you have to do is powercant get to the next wave in time, and up to the face, throttle back just beforeit is starting to break, then it is a whole the top of the wave (youll head skywardsnew ballgame and a potentially very if you dont, even though you aredangerous one at that.Caution not speed is essential when crossing a bar.And of course, never ever lose your nerve and try and turn round in the face of an oncoming wave. Once you are committed to the wave, there is no turning backperiod!Breaking white-water waves must be approached absolutely square on, and the trick is to get the boat up onto the plane, so less boat is in the water, then immediately at the point of impact with the first of the broken water, reduce Pick your time to cross beforepower immediately. Because the boat committing, such as this moment onis higher out of the water when on the the Tairua bar in between wave sets. plane, and because there is no power 62FISHING IN GODZONE JUL/AUG 2023'