b'to pull the boat to the rocks - the shockcould escape out the scuppers. I wouldtied a rope to the items and when I got cord will stretch and then when you jumphighly recommend doing some practiceclose enough, they threw me the rope. off, it will pull the boat back off the rocksmissions in safe locations before tacklingWhen I had the rope, they then threw the to a safe distance. anything more challenging. On numerouswaterproof bag/gear into the water, and Tie the rope to the rocks with someoccasions, I have aborted landingsI pulled it into the boat. Everyone was slack, a rising tide necessitates somebecause it just looked too risky. I havewearing life jackets and we successfully extra rope. If you are fishing on rocksalso had some challenging experiencesgot everyone off safely, but it was not where you cant see the boat, go back,when the conditions unexpectedlyan experience I would want to repeat and check every few hours to make surechanged. One day in Doubtless Bay theanytime soon. Sometimes there is a fine the anchor hasnt pulled, or the rope hasswell got a lot higher than forecast asline between having an adventure and I come undone. One day I went to checkwe were leaving. We were battling 2mdont want to do that again.on our boat and hadnt realised howswells sweeping along the ledge, whilstThere are plenty of locations around the much the wind had increased. It waspaddling a small 2.5m inflatable to ferrycountry that offer good land-based fishing blowing from behind the island and thethe gear/crew to a bigger boat. The windwithout having to take risks - so start with chop was slopping water over the sternwas ferocious as we sometimes waitedsome easy islands or rock stacks and gain of the boat. The boat had a good 80L10-15 minutes between sets to safelysome experience before trying further of seawater in the bottom and so I hadget close enough to the rocks. We had toafield. There are some great rewards for to quickly jump in, start the engine, pullswitch the plan and instead of trying tothose willing to try the adventure of rock up the anchor and gun it so the waterthrow the gear to me in the inflatable, wefishing on islands. FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE33'