b'HUNTINGPheasant Ammo GAMEBORE BLACK GOLD 12ga / 32gm / #6 / 1525 FPS Dogs love working for you, they get a buzz from a day out hunting as much as the hunter.It was now mid-May and grandad and I had been walking and pheasant hunting in the sun filled morning and I had shot a young cock.It was midday when we parked up on a hill above the flats to have lunch and a coffee from the Thermos, when suddenly a loud cock-cock-cock-cock rang out from just below us. Fresh pheasant poop, find this and GAMEBORE BUFFALO We both looked over at where it camethere are definitely birds in your area12ga / 32gm/ #6 / 1400 FPS so cover the ground well and get ready!from and it could only be from the large pile of stumps in the middle of the clearing under us.Grandad said, thathuge clumps of feathers fell out and it was a big rooster, he must be roosting upwas stone dead.It had the longest tail I in that pile down there.Grab your gunhave ever seen, and it was heavy.Wow, and take Jessie down there to get him. this is a big trophy bird worthy of getting So, on his instruction I grabbed themounted I thought as I ran quickly little cocker spaniel and we walked downback up the hill to the Land Cruiser to the hill towards the pile of trees whichshow grandad.was only about 150m away.I had justWhen I arrived, he grumpily replied I loaded the Over/Under Miroku 12 gaugewas just nodding off in the sun when you as I got within 25m of the big pile, whenwoke me up with that bloody gun boy!Jess ran straight behind the stumps andAnd when he saw the huge pheasant I a huge pheasant came out low and fastwas holding, he was quickly in awe of crowing non-stop!It gave me a hell of ait and said Geez that is a big beauty of wake up and I brought the gun up, swunga bird, he has been here for years and and fired, hitting him hard with feathersalways elusive in that scrub until we WINCHESTER SUPER X flying everywhere! cleared it and you finally got him. But12ga / 36gm / #6 / 1315 FPS The bird fell in a heap and the dog andgeez you wrecked him a bit, why didnt I both ran over to it, when I picked it upyou let him get out!92FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2021'