b'ProfilePurekraft 800HTCo-owner Dale hooked up to a big dog snapper that peeled line just off The Mount.We made plans to meet onand top fuel economy. There is easy access to a mid-week morning in AprilWe headed north on a runthe front by way of the and co-owner Dale McGuirepast Matakana Island andraised bow with U-DEK was joining us to have a fishwith a flat calm sea with nofor grip to walk up with and run in the boat.It waswind or swell, the ride wasgrab rails on the roof.good to meet with one ofeffortless at over 25 knots.the owners and ask aboutThe plan was to drift in the the boat.Dale was laid backshallows and cast softbaits, and just looking forward toI had several samples of the coming along and learningnew Zman Darterz that I about the lure fishing we hadwanted to test out.The pick planned and see the latestof the selection was the aptly gear I had bought. named Beer Run which was As we made our way outa nice sparkling, golden colour from Sulphur Point and intothat looked the goods.Tauranga harbour, JarrodWe spotted feeding birds advised to hold on andwith kahawai and stopped opened up the twin-Hondasto drift through them and and we were up on the planepicked up a trevally and almost instantly and cruisingkahawai to take back in for down the harbour and outthe smoker.Unfortunately, past The Mount.The twinwith no snapper underneath 175hp Honda engines werethe fast-moving mini workups, chosen to provide reliability,we decided to head south and good power across the rangegive the boat a longer run.48FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2021'