b'Two 5kg+ snapper caught on Zman Atomic Sunrise 7 softbaits, drifting deep water at the Kaipara graveyard with 1oz jig heads to reach the bottom.TECHNIQUE down as risk of getting snagged is low. fish you will put in the bin.I have witnessed so many ways thatHowever, if you are fishing over reefySoftbaiting is an active, non-stop style anglers have hooked fish using softbaits,or rocky terrain, then you will need toof fishing and it does become an artform some on the drop, most fished hard onmove the lure quicker to keep just off thefor avid anglers.You will develop better the bottom, others when just left in thebottom to keep from getting snagged andskills as an fishermen if you can master rod holder as we drifted along!I preferbreaking off.It can be trial and error untilthe art of softbaiting.It is an enormously to get down on the bottom and steadilyyou figure it out, but the most importantsatisfying day when you take people out move the lure back, jerking and twitchingthing to remember is dont stop casting! in the boat who havent tried it and you the line occasionally, sometimes stopping.You are going to need to cast all daycome back to the boat ramp with a bin of You try everything some days to see whatsometimes, you wont be sitting downfish and see the smiles on their faces, you works best.If the bottom is sandy orand the more you cast and the moreknow they have been converted to the muddy, you can slow your retrieve rightground you cover, the more strikes andsoftbait way.FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE15'