b"BLUEFIN PREPSBT start to arrive off the East Coast from JuneAugust.Look for action on the water especiallythe fish to the boat, decide whetherflesh down, as the body temperature seals, dolphins, birds, or bait schools.you will tag and release it, or gaff andwill have risen significantly during the Troll about 6.5 knots, don't troll tooweigh in. MPI has set a recreationalfight. The Waihau Bay weigh station is fast. Most strikes will come from fishdaily bag limit of one SBT per personrun by volunteers, so remember to be swimming with the current as they areper day, and Waihau Bay Sports Fishingrespectful of this amazing place and its chasing baitfish that cannot run againstClub encourage a voluntary limit of oneawesome people.the current. Set your drag lighter at 8kgSBT per boat per day. There is plentyCustom Tackle NZ can help you with as tuna have soft mouths and you don'tof meat on one tuna for everyone,all the best gear; rods, reels, line, lures, want to apply too much pressure, or therelease the rest. The best place to tagrigging, teasers, and most of all - advice hook could rip out. the fish is close to the second dorsaland service. Get in touch today to get Don't turn the boat when you hook afin where the tags hold well and don'tyourself ready.FIGZfish, just keep moving at reduced speedaffect nerves or blood vessels. If you are until you get the gear in as multipletaking the fish, bleed it immediately andVISIT US ONLINE:customtackle.co.nzstrikes are common. When you haveget it on ice straight away to cool the 44FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2021"