b"to hook a legal or larger sized specimen.are difficult to catch, having a jigging set The basic set up is a 15-24kg outfit tiedup on hand is a good idea especially if to a 1.5m leader of 80-130lb breakingyou target deeper reefs for table fish like strain, depending on whether rocks aresnapper or cod or similar species. After within sprinting distance of being hooked.you have pulled in a few fish, the activity If the ground is clear, then go with themay attract kingfish to your location so 80lb leader. Use an 8/0-12/0 short livetrying the jigging gear can pay off.bait hook placed in the shoulder justThere are a lot of advantages to jigging through the scruff of the neck, with theas you dont have to try and catch livies point and barb clear of the skin. Try andand it is quite an adrenaline fuelled way have the point facing up but also alignedto catch kingfish. The rods are short towards the head and not side to side.and powerful, and you feel a lot more Slowly troll the bait around the edges ofconnected to your fish than a short heavy the activity and have the reel set in freeboat rod. Jigging technique and knots spool or with the drag lightly engaged.require a separate article altogether but One approach is to keep your thumb onasking a friend or getting help from an the spool and when you feel a strike, let itexperienced jigger is a good way to get go so the kingfish can swallow it withoutyou started.We have a kingfish jigging any resistance. Over summer and autumnvideo coming out soon on our new FIGZ in offshore places a strike may result in aClub digital platform, so keep an eye out marlin so keep your wits about you.Waitfor it www.fishingingodzone.co.nz about 5-10 seconds before striking andBy keeping your eyes and options open, then hang on. more kingfish will end up in your bag - but Jigging with knife jigs in deeper waterdont forget, good knots and good gear used to be a popular form of targetingis essential when trying to catch those kingfish and is still effective. If live baitsgreen ghosts.FIGZAnnas first kingfish, a by catch from targeting snapper. Match the hatch, this kingfish took a Pearl Z-Man resembling the baitfish it was feeding on.the moment you hook a green torpedo instead of a grey missile and you join the kingfish club. What I have learned here is to match the hatch so to speak and fish a lure that matches the bait fish. Don't go larger, stick to the natural size and colour of the bait fish. It doesnt hurt to have a stickbait rod ready as well. When the fish are casually feeding in patches here and there, only a good match will be taken, and other offerings ignored. If you come across an intense work-up with fish firing in all directions, a stickbait may also be grabbed in the chaos. If you happen to hook a smallerTie good knots and keep your kahawai, put it out as a live bait and slowgear in top condition, you dont troll it around the activity. The advantagewant to get this close and lose your first kingfish.of this approach is that youre more likely/FISHINGINGODZONE21"