b'EditorialMay/June 2021 / Issue 33Fishing is all about timing, with tide, moon, weather and being in the right place at the right time to catch your quarry.FISHING IN GODZONE H ello Godzone readers, especially on the west side and is the reasonMAY/JUNE 2021 Issue #33COVER PHOTO I often get asked how isI like to go there on fishing missions.I likeAdrian Hogg and Scott Cushman the fishing? to head away to such remote places to fish,with a Kaipara snapper double on I like to give people anaway from the cities and busy waterways.ItZman softbaits. Photo: Mathew Hewetsonhonest reply, I dont needis worth putting in the travel to find better to tell any untruths aboutfishing. Getting around Godzone to fish we my fishing either as I do get to fish often,dont know how lucky we are. EDITOR AT LARGE and I talk to many anglers and people in theMathew Hewetsonfishing industry daily.Sometimes the fishingDont forget to check out our new digitalWRITERS can be hard but overall, the fishing is betterplatform - FIGZ Club.It allows members toScott Cushman, Evana Corric, Blair join up and receive great monthly club offers,Whiting, Dan Westerkamp, Greg now than it has been in years, some placeshow-to videos, tackle test videos, and youZaloumis, Shawn Housemore so than others.Dont ask me to givecan now download digital editions of theDESIGNreasons why, but I think if you know an areamagazine! Take a look by going to,Blockstart well and fish there regularly, then you justwww.fishingingodzone.co.nzwww.blockstart.co.nzknow when to go and how to find the fish. PRINTING Fishing comes down to timing, and gettingGood luck fishing and hunting in Godzone,Ovato Printgood weather, tides and moon phases alignedtake care doing it. DISTRIBUTIONtogether will make a huge difference to whatOvato NZis in your chilly bin.I have proven this toMathew Hewetson PUBLISHERmyself recently by surfcasting on NorthlandsMarlin Marketing Limited west coast, targeting to fish over the biggestEDITOR AT LARGEMathew Hewetson P: 022 355 0588moon phases of the month (full and newE: mathew@marlinmarketing.co.nzmoon) as this exposes the sand banks on low tide and you see all the shellfish like tuatua, and cockles washed up in the shallows.The sea birds are everywhere feeding on these and you can see a lot of life on the beach. Fishing In Godzone is subject to copyright in its entirety.The contents may not be reproduced in The fish in turn are tuned into this andany form, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publishers. All copy, photos feeding hard close to shore, we always goor other material forwarded to the magazine will be assumed intended for publication unless well surfcasting too. clearly labelled not for publication.Opinions expressed from such content are not necessarily The fish numbers for snapper and kingfishthose of the publisher.seem to have bounced back in NorthlandISSN 23821655fishingingodzone.co.nzCHECK OUT THE NEW DIGITAL PLATFORM NOW, VISIT: FISHINGINGODZONE.CO.NZ/fishingingodzone6FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2021'