b'FIORDLAND TRIP BY TONY PLANKREPORTTauranga based Tony Plank from Dive Zone had plannedQueenstown (6 hours) and the cost to hire a minibus, but after refuelling we a trip with 11 clients to dive and fish with Fiordlandreturned had another go at landing in Expeditions, but unexpected trouble with Aucklands latestQueenstown and managed to get a gap in the wind to get the wheels down.I lockdown made things difficult. finally breathed a sigh of relief as the T he best laid plans of miceZealand, we had 12 people (includingadventure can now start for real!The beauty and attraction of Fiordland and men! Getting the newstwo replacements for the couple whois its remoteness and getting there (and that Auckland is going backwere stuck in Auckland) enroute toback), is as much a part of the adventure into lockdown the SaturdayQueenstown as planned on the Tuesdayas what you do when in the fiords. With night before you departmorning. Although the gods thoughtour guided trips we fly Auckland to for Fiordland with 11they would play one last trick on us andQueenstown, where we meet for the customers (including fourthe high winds in Queenstown meanttransfer to Te Anau where we overnight from Auckland) on Tuesday,we attempted to land twice beforeand get to know the rest of the group.It is not an ideal start to an epic adventure!being diverting to Christchurch. At thisturned out we had a great group of 12 Luckily, my wife Liz was all over it andstage I was now checking out how longpeople who ensured we had plenty of with some awesome help from Air Newit takes to drive from Christchurch tolaughs over our 6 days. The fiords are a special place to visit to dive and fish in Godzone.36FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2021'