b'HUNTINGGhost and his son Blue with their GPS tracking collars A fter a recentThe headless eel ready to go and catch the pig.early autumnnext to size 11 surfcastinggumboots with mission fishingpig tracks.upper Ripiro Beach with good mates - Godzone editor Matt Hewetson and Craig Tubba Clement, I finally decided to write a pig hunting story for the magazine as Matt has been encouraging me to do so for some time.The hunt Im going to share with you happened a few days after we were released from COVID-19 lockdown last year.During lockdown the weather had been beginning to cool and my mind became more occupied with the thought of pig hunting.I only hunt in the cooler months as it is far too hot to hunt during summer in Northland.Myself, my son Cooper, and good hunting mate Ray Hannan decided our first hunt of the year was going to be behind the sand dunes on the south end of Ripiro Beach near Dargaville. The area consists of thick scrub, lupins, manuka and swamps leading to adjoining commercial pine plantations.Ray and I have hunted this area several times over the years with varying rates of success.84FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2021'