b"are diving from a boat, be sure to fly aenough so that you can do your recoveryWEEDLINE SPECIESbig blue and white dive flag, most boatiesbreaths on the surface, for this I like aOver winter John dory are a main target know that they need to slow down to 5suit with high waisted pants rather thanspecies on weedlines. These fish are knots and stay 200m away, however thisthe traditional long johns. As far as yourfairly easy to spear, the hardest part is is not always the case. As much as I reallyweight belt is concerned you should notfinding them. Spend time on the bottom, enjoy diving weedlines I do find it nervehave more than 10 percent of your bodychecking out the weed and follow the wracking as not all boaties abide by theweight in lead, as this will make youbait, it's likely you will find the johnnies 5-knot rule.In such a circumstance pullnegatively buoyant. As with scuba divinglurking behind them. When you do your float line to you, stay next to youryou want to be neutrally buoyant atfind one take your time and be sure of float, and hold your gun in the air until1/3rd of how deep you plan to dive.your shot, when spotted John dory will they have gone.When diving on weedlines getting yourquickly turn away from you which is A decent pair of freediving fins are a bigweight correct is even more important.usually when you will pull the trigger and help while diving weedlines, somethingI always take off a little extra if I ammiss, instead wait for them to turn, and to propel you up and down all day whilstdiving deeper weedlines, it makes itthen shoot.still being able to swim distances onharder for the first few metres. However,Trevally, tarakihi and porae are also the surface. I prefer a medium stiffnessonce you hit your free fall there is nofound on weedlines. These are fun fish to fibreglass blade as they give me powerdifference, it is however a lot morehunt using the sand throwing technique. and are not too hard on my ankles. Makepleasant ascending positively ratherThey feed on little invertebrates that sure that you get neoprene socks to fit asthan kicking hard and exerting morelive in the sand and are therefore always well, as all the kicking can cause crampsenergy because you are overweightcurious about any commotion. If the and blisters with ill-fitting fins. and negatively buoyant. This is alsoweedline is looking a little quiet, a bit A spearfishing wetsuit is a must toextremely dangerous and should beof sand throwing can really get it going. keep you warm and should be flexibleavoided at all costs.Goatfish, blue moki and squid are also common on the weedline as are kingfish, kahawai and koheru. Throwing sand up on theHowever, the most sought-after bottom will interest fish suchfish on the weedline is the giant as trevally and tarahiki to investigate closer. boarfish. Hunting boarfish is much like hunting snapper: you need to be slow and cautious. They don't like being approached from the bottom or eye level, so dropping down on them straight from above in their blind spot is how I have had the most success.DANGERSWeedline diving is hard work, hours spent drifting along diving up and down barren patches of sand and weed in the search for these elusive sand dwelling fish. The more you dive, ascending and descending, the more CO2 builds up in our bodies. This may make you feel like your diving is improving. Your urge to Tarahiki are commonly foundbreathe is weakening and you start to around weedlines withfeel slightly light-headed and tired, you sandy bottoms. could even see stars, and get tingling in your body. These are all signs that you are at risk of a shallow water black out and you should stop diving immediately. Diving up and down all day on a weedline takes a good level of fitness and should not be attempted without a buddy. This is why the one up, one down rule is so important to follow, you can also cover a lot more ground this way. Diving weedlines is a fun challenge and can be done in most conditions and you never know what might turn up which just adds to the excitement.FIGZ /FISHINGINGODZONE35"