b"Get ready,it's nearly timelarge body size. They usually run up theand often aren't interested in food when coast from the edge of the continentalthey come back up to the surface. So, for the Southern bluefin tunashelf out to 2000m of water. The closestthe best bites times are the change of season. If you are planningpoint to reach the shelf is about 10kmlight early or late in the day.SBT can off Cape Runaway. Some years they runmaintain a body temperature up to 10 on giving it a crack to targetcloser, other years they stay out wide.degrees higher than the surrounding these magnificent fish, thenAs the moon influences the weather,water temperature, this enables them to usually the days around the full moon seemake sudden explosive bursts of speed here are some tips from thecalmer, settled weather. These are thein pursuit of prey. Such is their power, S outhern bluefinconditions which trailer boats require tothat anglers need quality gear to catch team at Custom Tackle NZ. get out wide off the coast. them, as the gear will surely be put to the Satellite tagging has shown SBT spendtest. The fight of a SBT is characterised much of their time in the top 50m ofby long, hard scorching runs and lots of tuna (Thunnuswater, and often staying in the top 20m.deep tough circling, and keeps the angler Maccoyii) orThey dive deep during the day to feedbusy for up to an hour or more.SBT as they are often called, are large powerfulMore tuna trolling lures; warm-bloodedPoseidon Barrel Bullet, Poseidon Medusa 9.5 Cup Face, Bonsai migrational fish.Acadama Slant, Bonsai They annually runIkada Slant.along the East Coast of Godzone, with the peak season being June - August when the sea surface temperatures drop below 16.8 degrees. There is normally a first wave of smaller fish, followed by the larger fish in later runs when the temps are below 16 degrees. Travelling in packs, the schools of SBT follow baitfish like saury and mackerel, needing to feed almost constantly as their stomachs are small relative to their Troll smaller lures such as MagBay Currican Cup Face, MagBay Lummee Cup Face, Poseidon Borra Borra Medium Slant, Imperium Outfitters Super Smoker Jet. /FISHINGINGODZONE41"