b'KAYAK CLASSICThe swell was looking to be manageable on day one. It was decided by my group, that going north would be the play. The competition begins with an incredibly early morning rise although 4.30am would be considered late to some anglers. However, I like to see what I am up against and when I can hear big waves crashing onto the beach, a 7am launch with some better light would be smart I felt.DAY 1TRICKY LAUNCH I like to treat a big yak surf launch like going into battle. I expect to get wet and be bashed up. I ensure all my gear is secured and tied down, preferably in waterproof hatches. If you go in without confidence you can bet on a wave shoving you backwards, spitting The writer fishes the Taranakiyou back up onto the beach. Kayak Classic every year andSome of my fellow competitors were looks forward to the weekendhaving trouble even getting onto their with like minded yak fishermen.kayak since there were no gaps in the short 6-second swell period. This made it quite difficult to even stand upright when in the surf, we all needed to hit these waves hard and with confidence. Gaps in the surf would be few and far between.Without any waiting around I hit the first small gap as hard as I could, completely soaking myself as I punched through the first big set. My adrenaline was pumping as I hastily popped out the other side of the break. That went better than expected!My teammate Charly had successfully followed me out through the sets. The Signing up for the entry and ruleswind was more than forecast, around briefing is important for safety15 knots. The swell was building too. In and a good chance to meet other T he competitiona kayak. competitors from around Godzone. weather like this it was wise to stay in close and hunker down with the nose into the wind. Anchoring in 10m depth of fish to target: kingfish, snapper, tuna,was as far as I thought was safe for starts in Oakurakahawai, trevally, gurnard, John dory andme. Big snapper love the shallows here where the Butlersblue cod. You wont find a better placeanyway, so it wasnt a terrible place to be Reef Bar kindlyin Godzone to target trophy snapper,stuck in. hosts all the socialalbacore tuna and John dory fromI got the berley out and managed to aspects of theattract a few small snapper and then a event. After signingThere is always a heavy discussionnice big gurnard. Things were looking up for your entry,about fishing since the west coast canpromising. The weather wasnt, however. its great to havebe wild in weather and sea conditions.As the swell built up to 1.5m it became a chat to all theSaturday and Sunday were unfortunatelyextremely uncomfortable rolling over the regular competitors from right aroundnot looking great. It was going to betop of the waves around every 5 seconds. the country. I love the Taranaki kayakblowing 1220 knots all weekend.I added a couple of kahawai in the back community because everyone is soThere were restrictions put in place byto finish and packed up. We all decided it welcoming and do not mind sharingthe club, which removed tuna from thewas becoming too dangerous to fish and spots. The Classic is a unique multi- species list and Cape Egmont was closedprepared for the landing, which was sure species challenge with eight varietiesto fishing throughout the weekend. to be entertaining back on shore. 54FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2021'