b'SOFTBAITINGOcean Anglers Light Bulb jig heads are also excellent and provide a high hook-up rate.I also use these exclusively when softbaiting and matched with Zmans, they are lethal.I often softbait at the Kaipara graveyard which has strong currents (over 4-6 knots) and we need to add a ball sinker above the jig head to help reach the bottom.This handy trick works well and keeps the lure in the zone longer to hook up on fish.Softbaits catch a lot of differentFishing in deeper water using softbaits species, this 50cm+ cod was takenusually requires a drogue or sea anchor, in 30m on the Kaipara. so invest in one if you dont own one.With current and wind working against you drifting too quickly, you must slow your drift so deploy the drogue and always cast well ahead of the boat.Keep an eye on your line as your softbait drops to the bottom as it will often get hit mid-water by fish.Ocean Angler founder and Zman distributor Paul Senior hooked up softbaiting the graveyard with North Head dunes in the background.12FISHING IN GODZONE MAY/JUN 2021'