b'Editorial March 2024 Issue 50Fishing out on the west coast of Northland is still the writers favourite Godzone spot, with consistent good fishing as shown in this image.W e have made it tocoast offers outstanding fishing, eitherFISHING IN GODZONE 50 issues!This is awhen surfcasting or in the boat and is stillIssue #50great achievementmy favourite spot.I continue to return COVER PHOTO with all the volatileand fish here often, and it is a ruggedSurfcasting out on the west coast events in theand wild place of beauty with a sense ofon Ripiro Beach, Northland world over theintrigue about it, you never know whatPhoto: Liz Pattinson past few years that has affected sowill turn up out there.I guess it is homeEDITOR AT LARGE many businesses, especially media andfor me and having grown up there, theMathew Hewetsonpublishing companies in New Zealand. Tasman calls me back to fish its waters. WRITERS & CONTRIBUTORS Scott Cushman, Evana Corric, We launched Fishing in Godzone wayWe all have our own favourite placesDan Westerkamp, Matt Strachanback in December 2014 as a quarterlyin Godzone where we love to fish, and IDESIGN title with the aim of helping Kiwis catchhope you manage to get there again thisBlockstart more fish with new techniques, profileyear to cast a line. www.blockstart.co.nzthe latest gear and technology, andPUBLISHER Good luck and safe fishing. Marlin Marketing Limited discover top destinations around thisMathew Hewetson great countryGodzone.We knowMathew Hewetson Editor at large 022 355 0588 how lucky we are to have such worldmathew@marlinmarketing.co.nzclass fishing and most of it is easilyWIN!reached for anglers, either off the rocks or a beach, in your own boat or through charter businesses that operate out inFishing In Godzone is subject the regions. to copyright in its entirety.The contents may not be reproduced The fishing and methods have changedin any form, in whole or in part, a lot over the past 10 years, and wewithout the written permission of changed with it, going to bi-monthlythe publishers. All copy, photos or other material forwarded to issues along the way and now in 2024the magazine will be assumed we will publish a digital magazine onlineintended for publication unless and believe that we can reach even moreTo celebrate our 50th Issue clearly labelled not for publica-tion.Opinions expressed from readers by offering it for free.Enter to WIN this impressive wallsuch content are not necessarily Over the last decade, I have managedhung filleting bench from Flyfinthose of the publisher.to fish throughout the country forBoats! Click for more information. ISSN 23821655many species and of all the places myfishingingodzone.co.nzhometown Kaipara region on the west/fishingingodzone8FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'