b'FeatureA kingie taken from the Rangitoto Channel marker on a live piper for first timers Steve and Dave Bliley.Preferably you have a friend on thesome locations are tide dependent.but slack water still gives you your wheel who can start the engine andIn areas where the current isbest opportunity.back off or move away and out of theespecially fierce, the change of tideThe good thing about targeting hot zone. Recently I had to back upat either end of the tide cycle (highchannel markers is that it can hard and took a wave over the backor low) affords the best window tochange within a day or so with fish of the boat. Tackle boxes and chillytarget the fish. Tauranga harbourmoving around and you sometimes bins were floating around my feetmarkers (especially closer to theget another shot at the end of the for the rest of the fight, but I didntentrance) are best targeted at slackday if you missed your chance at dare take my focus off the fish as wewater. Auckland channels also tendthe beginning of the day when you slugged it out. to be best targeted at slack watercome back from fishing.Get your (especially Rangitoto Channel). Theplan together and hold tight because BEST TIMES buoy at Saregents Channel southtargeting kingfish around the channel Early morning and dusk are goodof Crusoe Island can be targetedmarkers will test your gear and your times to try channel markers, butoutside these times on a good dayskill - good luck!26FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'