b'The Future of HuntingWriter Matt Strachan moves to a new chapter of his hunting by introducinghis young son to the benefits of getting outdoors.Holding binos steady for youngBY MATT STRACHAN T hroughout my life, hunters can be tricky, givingmost of my hunting them time builds confidence. has been focused on myself. While the last few years especially, it has been a lot of solo missions with just the dog and me heading out in the hills. However, I have always helped others in their hunting journey and enjoyed their company when possible and thoroughly enjoy doing so.With my son Ari now getting to the age where he is physically able, the time has now come that he can start joining me on a few outdoor adventures in Godzone.For me as a father this is extremely exciting although I had to head into it with a completely different mindset than before.Previously with my solo hunting, I have been trying to push my fitness and mental strength out in the hills. Ive been challenging myself to hunt harder and further, while pushing my comfort zones to build more resilience and confidence which then leads to more successful hunts. /FISHINGINGODZONE63'