b"B reaking upI have noticed that to successfullyaccessible in harbours and will current whileentice a fish to strike, your lure orsurvive a few casts at the edge of a providing a minibait must be within 1-5m of themarker. Once cast at the marker, I ecosystem formarker, and 0.5-2m is the perfectdon't let it just sit there, as the boat food and cover,strike zone. If you have ever targetedis often moving with the current so channel markerschannel markers before you will haveI will drag it a little, so it flashes on tick several boxesno doubt witnessed the strands ofits side and looks like it is in trouble for kings. Becausemono bunched around the marker(which it is).kingfish are quitefrom other unsuccessful castsThey usually get smashed very predictable in this way, channelor fights. quickly but they must be cast within markers get a lot of pressure anda metre of the marker for best kings can get wise and start ignoringLURES OR LIVE BAIT? results. A gasping piper will often lures and live baits. Both will take fish and live baitsdraw out a whole family of kings and There are some tricks though towill draw more strikes but livies willthen you have to try and work the help get them to bite and hopefullysometimes head for the structurebait to hopefully get the largest fish land a fish. As soon as you hook aand a slow trolled bait isnt alwaysto strike. You don't get many chances green hoodlum it will dive for theeasy to position as you pass theto cast a delicate piper so positioning channel marker encrusted with braidmarker as it may see the kingfishthe boat and getting the drift right cutting barnacles attached to ironand swim the other way and out ofis particularly important, just as it is and do its best to win its freedom.the strike zone. Piper are usuallycasting lures.A school of small kingies from the Sargeants Channel buoy, sometimes you will find larger legal fish in amongst the rats. /FISHINGINGODZONE21"