b'FeatureStopping to sit and enjoy snacks often is part of the package when hunting with kids.We were fortunate that we couldotherwise the chances of seeing"Unfortunately for him he access the hut for camp via thea deer were likely to be slim and I quad bike. This made it a lot easierdidnt want Ari to freeze and notwas in awesome summer and able to take a few extra snacksenjoy himself. condition and my freezer and treats to keep the young fellaNot long after our spot was happy.The hut was quickly set upchosen, I got the camera set upwas a little empty.With with the lanterns and candles readyfor Ari to view.For me theres nothe camera rolling, we sat for our return which was most likelypoint in shooting something if Ari to be after dark. We scoffed downcant see the action, this is vital forwatching for what seemed some roast pork buns and headedencouraging him to join in on a hunt.an exceedingly long time, to our spot to start scouting forAs Ari still struggles as most young the evening. kids do, to look using the binos, thiswaiting for a suitable shot to There was a strong cool breeze,was a good way for him to be ablepresent itself."and I knew we needed to findto see animals if something were to somewhere tucked out of the windpop out.66FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'