b'FeatureAri and Matt watched the spiker using the digital cameras zoom for a long time before taking a shot.With a young eager boy in tow, II explained to Ari thatan exceptional effort that surprises must now do almost the completeand amazes me.On one particular opposite. Expect very little, travelwe would not shoot thistrip recently, it saw us heading to minimal and spend more timeanimal due there beinga local block in the Hawkes Bay on stopping and playing with rocksa Saturday afternoon and staying and the bushes than actual hunting. a high chance it had athe night.This is all part of the process ofyoung one nearby. He wasPrior to leaving I realised the taking young kids out hunting andammo supply was low and Ari slowing down and not rushingdisappointed but seemed towas extremely excited to assist in is important. understand and was happyloading a couple of new .308 bullets for the trip. I was using 168grain GLASSING APPROACH to continue watching theA-max that was specifically set up Along the way weve managed tohind feed on the camera. for shooting at slightly longer ranges tip a handful of deer over togetherwhich was perfect for the sitting, now and for a 5-year-old Ari puts inglassing, and waiting approach.64FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'