b'FeatureMallard numbers should be similar to 2023 for the Eastern Region, and make sure you report any banded birds with prizes up for grabs.Following cyclone Bola in 1988 thein some areas may be a little downBANDINGparadise population took about tenbut in the main, the black swan andEach year we band about 1,500 years to recover and the infamousparadise populations appear similarmallard and grey duck as part of Wahine storm demolished aquaticto previous years. our monitoring, research, and weed beds causing a significantBlack swan numbers remainmanagement.We catch the ducks decrease in the national black swanhealthy in the Bay of Plenty.In fact,in traps baited with grain which population.It took years beforesome members of the public andhave been progressively built over the swan population bounced back. regional council staff would like tothe preceding weeks.By the time Therefore, we were very relievedsee the swan population reducedwe are ready to set the traps the when our summer monitoringas the seagrass in Tauranga andducks have become familiar with didnt detect a significant drop inother coastal harbours has beenthem and happily walk into them.A these populations. smothered by sediment and thegood catch for us is 400500 per Fish and Game conduct aerialswan numbers may be over grazingsite in a night.To avoid distressing counts of known paradise moultwhat little remains.Therefore,the birds we start early, recording sites (waterfowl moult their flightmake the most of the longer swantheir age and sex, and then attaching feathers during the summer).Thisseason.They make great sausagesan individually numbered band to years counts suggest the populationand salamis. their leg.74FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'