b"The art of catching Crays!Crayfish are one of the most prized catches in Godzone. Considereda delicacy the world over, they are harvested commercially. BY DAN WESTERKAMPW orth up tofor many generations.Crays have $300 millionnice white meaty flesh and although annually, thestronger tasting than other seafoods, cray fisherythey are a staple at the family makes upsummer barbie.part of the $2 billion inWHERE TO START?seafood exports out of Godzone.Crays are found in both deep and However, in recreational fishers' eyesshallow water from right up in rock they are worth their weight in goldpools down to 100m+, they hide and one of the main reasons peoplein reefs, around rocks, in cracks, get into diving. crevices and between boulders. The red rock lobster, spiny rockPlenty of kelp is an excellent sign lobster, or crayfish as they arethat crays may be around. Its more commonly known are foundimportant to remember that crayfish nationwide from the warm watersare nocturnal (come out at night) so of the Far North to the icy watersduring the day they will be hiding of Stewart Island, and everywherein holes, anywhere dark is where in between. you should be looking for crayfish.Crayfish are favourite targetsDuring the hours of darkness then underwater and whether scubajust look on the seafloor, crays come diving or freediving, crays have beenout to scavenge and are an easy one of the most desirable seafoodstarget in some areas. /FISHINGINGODZONE39"