b'FeatureHunting with kids isnt all about hunting, stopping to explore is a vital part of the day.I was proud of how still and quietin the same spot Id shot. and young stags, which we sat and Ari managed to stay beside me. Ari led the charge on finding thewatched intently via the camera The spiker was front on but slightlyanimal and did so very well. Wescreen. This was very enjoyable quartering away. This was about theboth took a moment to appreciateand a great lesson for Ari that not best shot I was going to get, and Ithe deer we had taken, theneverything needed to be shot. We had an absolute rock-solid rest, so Iproceeded to breakdown the animalfinished off the day checking out deer was confident of taking the shot. and take as much as the meat thatprints and playing amongst some I whispered, Is it still showing in thewas salvageable. interesting rocks.screen? Are you ready?The replyIt was a late night, and the wee chapSeeing him push himself while was yes shoot it! was now shattered by the time weloving every minute of the experience I squeezed off the shot andgot back to the hut. is something I will always treasure.I heard and almighty thwackWe had a good sleep that night, andlook forward to being able to pass followed by Smoked it Dad, youthe next morning we were straighton the hunting knowledge Ive learnt smoked it.I glanced over at theback out at first light. We laid eyesover the years to him with many camera and could see the spikeron several more deer. Mostly hindsmore adventures to come.70FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'