b"Justin released the solid Far North Feature trev after several photos.I always have high hopes here because, as I've written about in prior articles, it has yielded my personal best catches of kingfish, trevally, and snapper (in three consecutive years), so therefore I constantly have great expectations that I'll catch another PB, or at least, land the catch of the day. However, to say that I was disappointed is an understatement on this recent trip. For the first time in six years of solid fishing in the Far North, I was left frustrated andA nice trevally hit the softbait, but the snapper cursing the sea gods, whomever theyfishing was noticeably quiet.may be, as well as blaming as the full moon.Picture the scene, beautiful top ofstretching out in every direction,what lies beneath. Penguins gliding the north weather and serene, withlush green rolling hilltops on onethrough the water, schools of blue calm fishing conditions. Headingside, and a cloud-capped horizon onmaomao passing by and the salty out onto the water in the boat,the other. Bird life flying overheadair, invigorating all the senses, being full of anticipation for what liesand marking the water sporadically,happy after having not been out on ahead. The vast expanse of waterteasing us as to the potential ofthe water for some time.50FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE"