b"Tested Daiwa Tatula 150H Daiwa Tatula 150H BaitcasterOver the summer months, Ive had the pleasure of fishing with and testing the Daiwa Tatula 150H reel. BY SCOTT CUSHMANThe T-Wing system helps increase casting distance by reducing friction from line coming off the spool.C oloured in black,system (TWS for short).break a sweat. It has anshort handles as they are it is imprintedThe TWS is a nifty levelaluminium frame/sideeasier to fumble at key with a spider logo,line lay function whichplate, and the gearing hadmoments when winding matching its nameis different from mostno back play whilst fishingafter a strike or when you in Japanese forother baitcaster reels andand playing fish. must wind really fast.spider. Nothing creepyis designed to help withIts a small but importantAlthough it is suited to about the reel though,casting distance. element but I enjoyedlure fishing, I spent quite except perhaps howSo first off, the reel feelsfishing with the rubbera bit of time bait fishing quickly it can subduesolid, and out testing itpaddle knobs, as thewith my overhead set and its prey. showed that it is indeedhandle length is a decentmatched it to my Daiwa The reel also employsengineered to be solid inlength for cranking inCoastal rod. This maybe the long-established Zthe saltwater environment.your line or playingan older model of rod Mag force casting controlI landed plenty of snapperstubborn fish with higherbut is still very capable system, and a featureand an almost legaldrag settings. I don't likeand has been thoroughly called the T-Wing line laykingfish and the reel didntbaitcaster reels that havetested on many trips. The 58FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE"