b'Editorial April 2024 Issue 51The editor fishing at Rangaunu harbour and testing a new prototype lure rod on big trevally. FISHING IN GODZONE Issue #51W e love nothing more thanand their strength, flexibility and castingCOVER PHOTO A prime Far North trevally over 60cm+ taken on a Z-man testing out new tackle topower were next level. softbait and released.write about for our readersCarbon has been used by rod buildersPhoto: Scott Cushmanof Godzone.It is one offor many years now, but these rods allEDITOR AT LARGE the perks of the job!Wehave hollow cone like cores as theyMathew Hewetsonare all magpies when it comes to shinyhave been built on mandrels.The newWRITERS & CONTRIBUTORS new tackle, there is an endless streamprototype carbon rods are created usingScott Cushman, Dan Westerkamp, Natalie Hinkeof new line, hooks, lures, rods, and reelspull extrusion technology and thenDESIGN coming onto the market every year. shaped to create a tapered rod. Blockstart Some of it is top shelf or aRenowned Kiwi rod builder Graemewww.blockstart.co.nzgroundbreaking innovation, whilePaterson was inspired to create thesePUBLISHER others might just be new colours orlure rods using the latest technologyMarlin Marketing Limited Mathew Hewetson weights of existing gear but all of itfrom overseas and the early testing022 355 0588 is designed to hook the angler first. is proving dynamite.The rods aremathew@marlinmarketing.co.nzBeing in the fishing media we usuallyextremely flexible and strong, we get to try out samples or prototypessubdued many large fish using them and first hand before it is released to theeven stopping a big bronze whaler that public and we can assess the product. gave up our trevally after a 10-minuteFishing In Godzone is subject Every so often a new product comesfight of tug-a-war, eventually releasingto copyright in its entirety.along that is seen as a revolutionarythe trev (minus its tail section) on lightThe contents may not be reproduced in any form, in whole to fishing, such as the first Shimano16lb Sunline braid and 20lb leader! or in part, without the written Bait Runner that was released manyThese new lure rods are still beingpermission of the publishers. All years ago.It changed the way spinrefined with spin and overhead modelscopy, photos or other material forwarded to the magazine reels could work for free spoolingto finalise, but come winter and theywill be assumed intended for line with a bail arm, so it acted like anshould be available to the public andpublication unless clearly labelled not for publication.Opinions overhead reel. watch this space as we will have fullexpressed from such content Jumping back to now and I have justreviews on them.They could be theare not necessarily those of recently seen the future for rods.Onstart of a new fishing revolution. the publisher.a trip to the Far North, I was fortunateSafe fishing out on the water. ISSN 23821655to fish with several new prototype rodsfishingingodzone.co.nzthat have been built using 100% carbonMathew Hewetson Editor at large /fishingingodzone8FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'