b'Feature Craig hooks up over a shallow (under 3m) sand bank with shellfish that fish are feeding on.The fish arent afraid to leave the deeper water to find the food and we drift over the sand banks casting softbaits, with the orange Z-Man Atomic Sunset 5 softbait proving a deadly lure in the brackish waters of the Kaipara.Moving up to the larger 7 orange softbait is also another option to help provide a bigger profile in the dirty water.SOFTBAITS Supreme lubricant for a smooth action Softbaiting in shallow harboursand protection from the saltwater!means you can go lighter with your jig heads and leader.I would tend to favour 1/2oz or under for my jigInox lubricants are the superior choice for your fishing tackle, boat and trailer heads when fishing under 5m, but when the current picks up and it canmaintenance, giving you greater protection and longer use of your gear!really move on the Kaipara at 4-5 knots on the outgoing tide especially around the bigger moon phases, Shallow harbours hold plenty of food like then you need to move up to 1/2ozbaitfish and shellfish, look to fish in betweenINOX IS AVAILABLE AT MOST TACKLE AND RETAIL OUTLETS INCLUDING:Top Catch, Hunting and Fishing, or heavier. sand banks and channels prospecting for fish. Burnsco, Smart Marine, TWL, Marine Deals, BNT Auto, Saeco Wilson and Marine & Industrial Lubricants.14FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE www.inoxnz.co.nz'