b'SLENDER / VERTICALSlim designed jigs that are designed to get down faster to the seabed and are best fished vertically like Gillies Bluewater Intruders, Little GT, or Ocean Angler Fish Fingers that have a slender shape.The typically come with twin-assist hooks and smaller skirts than slow jigs to aid in their quick descent.Method: Best fished vertically and lift high or with short quick lifts, this faster action looks like fleeing baitfish.As they drop back down and you lift, large predators will hit them hard.Fish them in deeper water (20m+) to work from Ocean Angler Fishthe bottom up to mid-water, then Fingers are best fished in deeper water (20m+)back down.Great jigs for using and vertically. under workups.Kahawai are sucker for jigs, this fish took a Gillies Bluewater Little GT lure meant for a snapper. /FISHINGINGODZONE55'