b"Laying a route is practised out of reverence and respect for animals taken when hunting in Germany.In New Zealand, large areas ofCultural heritage in Germany is important with horn players public land are available for hunting,who blow their melodies for each game species after a hunt.and the requirements for obtaining a hunting license are less stringent than in Germany. Hunters must first obtain a valid firearms license before applying for a hunting permit. The firearms licensing process involves vetting and a 3.5-hour firearms safety course where prospective hunters must pass a multiple-choice test and a practical training session covering safe handling and use of firearms. While not mandatory, having outdoor skills such as navigation, wilderness survival, and first aid can ensure safety in remote environments. skills necessary to hunt in the bushOverall, each hunting journey in competently and safely. New Zealand and Germany presents HUNTS COURSE The HUNTS course provided meunique experiences. The different A quality source of information forwith fantastic learning opportunities,landscapes, wildlife, traditions, hunting in New Zealand could be theand I greatly appreciate theaccessibility, and regulations offer HUNTS course delivered by the Newinstructors for that. I have learnthunters numerous ways to engage Zealand Deerstalkers Associationabout river crossings, navigation,with nature and pursue their passion. (NZDA). I personally attended onewilderness survival skills, safetyHowever, the unparalleled freedom of the HUNTS courses led by Mikepractices, shooting techniques, legalamidst New Zealand's breathtaking Spray and the instructors Reb Aplin,aspects, hunting ethics, field dressing,landscapes, combined with its Lars Jansen, and Craig Jenkins.and many other skills. Participatingunique wildlife, creates extraordinary The instructors are volunteers whoin this HUNTS course also inspiredadventures for hunters. So, get are fully committed to spreadingme to write this article, and Iready to experience the thrill of the the sport and training people likehighly recommend it to any hunterhunt in the stunning wilderness of experienced hunters and me with thein Godzone. New Zealand! /FISHINGINGODZONE69"