b"FeatureFor spearfishing success, youwould like. Cardio is also important,in the shallows but once diving need to better your breath holdshealthy lungs and the heart play15-30m+ you will need to watch and become more comfortablean important part in holdingyour technique.underwater. As well as diving ayour breath. As a rule, most divers double the lot, like most spearos suggest, getOkay so you are fit, sorted yourtime on the surface relative to their some apnea tables going, there isapnea tables and ready to hit thebottom time. For example, if you plenty of info online about this verywater, but you still aren't holdingspend one minute on the bottom, uncomfortable exercise howeveryour breath for long.The mostyou should spend two minutes on becoming comfortable with thecommon cause of this is the pre- the surface breathing up, calming uncomfortable is a surefire way todive breath up. Most beginnersyour body, and slowing your heart improve your breath hold, especiallyjust froth around on the surfacerate.This will ensure your body over the winter months when youand then see a fish and dive, thisdoes not use so much oxygen on are not diving as regularly as youis fine if you are lurking aroundyour descent. It is also important 44FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE"