b'FeatureLaunching in harbours like Rangaunu, is often off the sand so a 4x4 is required.W hen summerlike gurnard, snapper, trevally, andGO SHALLOWfinishes andkingfish to move up into harbours toThe shallower sand banks can offer the months offind this food. great fishing so dont discount them, March to MayIn harbours you typically have sandespecially over high tide when they arrive, thisbanks that are often exposed at loware covered with water and fish period can offertide and deeper channels with whichmove up onto the tops to feed.We outstandingthe fish use as highways to move uphave discovered when fishing in the fishing inand down the harbour over the tideKaipara that once the sand banks harbours.Harbours may bechanges.Many boaties will obviouslyget 2-3m of water over them on the expansive shallow stretches of water,fish the deeper channels where fishincoming tide, trevally and snapper but they are home to many typesare found and you can either anchorare up on top in large numbers of baitfish such as piper, sprats,and use baits and berley to bring thefeeding on the shellfish, crabs and and mullet.While shellfish such asfish to you, or drift in the boat andmantis shrimps that have invaded pipis, tuatua, mussels and crabs arecast softbaits or small lures like Fleasthe harbour and become a new food also found in abundance for fishfor good success. source for fish.12FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'