b'FeatureA high seat is used by German hunters for watching and hunting boar or bucks.According to German standards,Zealand has been a long-standingto species, gender, and age, and hunting is neither a sport nor atradition, but cultural attitudesplaced with the heart facing up on hobby, but a mission of publictowards hunting are different. Inthe right side of the body. Hunters interest. The hunter-in-chargeGermany, hunting is seen as part ofand horn blowers then gather around conducts this mission to maintaintheir cultural heritage, emphasizingthe area, where the game is laid out, a population of healthy wildlife inconservation efforts and ethicaland the hunting horn players blow a quantity and variety consistenthunting practices. German hunterstheir melodies for each game species with the habitat\'s capacity. Theperform certain rituals on the deadwith its own dead signal, creating an species that can be hunted areanimal, such as offering a branchelectrifying environment.clearly defined in Germany\'s huntingfrom a tree native to Germany asIn New Zealand, hunting is also law. Forestry authorities preparea "last bite" and putting it in thepart of the cultural fabric, with some shooting plans at regular intervals foranimal\'s mouth. The animal is alsoemphasising the significance of a reduction in the game population,placed on a bed of leaves as a signhunting for eradicating introduced meaning that hunters receive targetof respect. Wearing the "last bite"pests, while others recognise the numbers of how many of a certainin their hat band is a custom thatcultural, recreational, and economic species they are supposed to shoot.hunters follow after the hunt. It isvalues of these animals. According If hunters fail to meet the numbers, itconsidered highly disrespectful toto the New Zealand Biodiversity is an offence against state laws and isstep over the animal as it interferesStrategy 2020, game animals are potentially punishable. Additionally,with its spirit. Another fascinatingregarded as an essential and iconic hunters must pay for the financialtradition in Germany is "laying thepart of contemporary New Zealand damage caused to forestry androute," a practice performed out ofculture. Therefore, loaded terms agriculture by game animals. reverence and respect for the killedlike "extermination", "eradication", animal. After a social hunt, whereand "pest" are replaced by careful CULTURAL HERITAGE hunters work together to hunt game,and ethically guarded game Hunting in Germany and Newthe animals are lined up accordinganimal "management".64FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'