b'FeatureFishing in harbours means lesssmash your softbait, is one of the structure like reefs or kelp to worrybest fights found in Godzone waters.about the chances of busting off onI cant recommend it more to any fish, so you can move down to lighterkeen Kiwi angler wanting a fun day leaders between 15-20lb.Thison the water.enables the softbait to look more natural and less chance of spookingBAITSfish, especially in the gin clear watersUsing fresh baits like mullet or of the east coast Far North harbourskahawai in the Kaipara is a proven like the Rangaunu. winner.Take a bait net if you own Fishing here in this top Far Northone and set it off the mouth of a harbour you can also try differentsmall creek or where the mangroves colour options and sizes, like theare found, as the mullet or sprats are 4 Paddlerz or Grubz to imitate thecommon in such places.Once you baitfish like piper or whitebait thatcut this for baits and deploy them are found in the harbour. at your chosen spot, the snapper Fishing over the Rangaunu sandwill soon turn up in numbers usually banks in only 3m of water andin less than half an hour as the oily hooking and fighting big trevally thatcontent acts like berley.16FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'