b"FeatureIt is best once you have ascended and are on the surface to perform a passive exhale, a relaxed breath out and then rapidly inhale.EQUALIZE EARS that we equalize the air spaces, ourOnce you have ascended Equalizing is the biggest area thatmask, sinuses, and ears to offset beginner spearos and freediversthe reduction of volume due to theand are on the surface struggle with. If you don't masterincrease in pressure to avoid injury.perform a passive exhale, a your equalizing technique, you willAgain, there are plenty of tutorials not be able to dive much deeperonline to help with your equalizing,relaxed breath out and then than a few meters.As we descendbut it is best to take a freediving classrapidly inhale, this should be into the depths the volume of air inwhere you will be taught to equalize our sinuses, middle ear and lungssafely and efficiently.Remember youperformed immediately on decreases.This is because of theshould equalize on the surface andhitting the surface to make increase in pressure at depth, betterthen regularly on your descent and known as Boyles Law, which says abefore any pain is felt, if you find yousure oxygen is going to your fully blown-up balloon on the surface,are not equalizing do not continue andvital organs.will be the size of an orange at 10m. risk damaging your ears, return to the Because of these physics it is crucialsurface, take a breather, and try again.46FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE"