b'FeatureBefore making it into the maimai you should have ensured your gun fits well and you practiced smooth mounting.And if the trigger is well belowThis is a key step to help you achieve the first joint of your finger, thenGetting your feet positionbetter shooting with your shotgun the stock is too short and needs toand balance right makeswhen leading birds.be lengthened.Go into your localOnce you have sorted your best gun shop to help check the abovea substantial differencegun fit and which eye to shoot with, fitting and a longer recoil pad can fixon nailing your bird. the next key step is your barrel and this but if your gun has a woodeneye alignment.When you mount butt stock that is too long, then youthe gun in the best comfortable and will need the help of a specialistnatural position up on your shoulder, gunsmith to alter it. both eyes open you should seefor the correct fit on a field or the pen on the edge of the photo,sporting gun you should be looking WHICH EYE? now close your left eye and if thestraight down the centre of the rib.A crucial step for better duckpen stays in the same position,To check this, mark a dot at eye-level shooting is to assess whether youthen you are right eye dominantheight with a marker pen on a wall are left eye or right eye dominant.(so you should be shooting off yourmounted mirror. Again, mount the This then determines whichright shoulder). unloaded gun and point it straight shoulder you need to be shootingAnd if the pen moves off the photoat the dot, your eyes should be off. A clever way to find out is toframe edge when you shut your leftonly just above the rib and looking hold a pen out in front of you andeye but stays in place when youstraight down the centre at the bead. sight it up on the edge of a photo onclose your right eye, then you areIf not, then small adjustments can be the wall, making sure you are aboutleft eye dominant.So, you shouldmade with shims, or you will need to 4m away from the wall.Keepingbe shooting off your left shoulder.consult a gunsmith.72FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE'