b"FeatureBecoming a better freediver will result in becoming a better spearo.LUNG SQUEEZE diver blacks out on the ascent,Learning to freedive properly Freediving at depth usually belowusually on or near the surface.will improve your spearfishing 20m can cause an injury called lungSWB comes on quickly and youexperience and will open up a whole squeeze. This is when the pressuredon't notice that you are shortnumber of species that live below of the depth you are at causeson oxygen until you are near thethe recreational snorkeling zone.the walls of your lungs to sticksurface. Most spearos black outTarakihi, boarfish, John dory and together and then as they expandclose to or on the surface so again,trevally are generally found in the and as you ascend, they peel apart,it is important to remember your20-30m mark whilst pink maomao, this sounds hideous I know! Abreathing technique. golden snapper, and the elusive lung squeeze is an injury that isOnce you have ascended and aremainland hapuka are all found preventable. Extremely slow andon the surface perform a passivebelow 30m, at this depth, large minimal movements are the key toexhale, a relaxed breath out andkingfish and snapper can also be staying safe at depth, the cold alsothen rapidly inhale, this should befound which is just another reason plays a part so stay warm, stretch,performed immediately on hittingto increase your depth range.and warm up prior to getting inthe surface to make sure oxygenBecoming a proficient freediver the water. is going to your vital organs. It istakes time and practice but your Finally, the most well-known riskimportant that your buddy watchesefforts will pay off and you will of freediving and pushing yourselfyou during these moments as up toenjoy spearfishing more than you to the limits is shallow waternearly a minute after your ascentever did, remember to dive safely blackout (SWB). This is where ayou are still at risk of blacking out. and always swim with a buddy.48FISHING IN GODZONE MAGAZINE"